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Release Notes

May 2023 – released Sitecore CLI 5.2.109


Sitecore CLI 5.2.109 includes:

  • Sitecore CLI now supports user serialization.
  • Context switching command.
  • Functional parity for database cleanup plugin.
  • Items as Resources plugin improvements.
  • Sitecore environment information command.

New features/improvements

Serialization plugin allows to serialize users.
Improved plugin installation experience.
Improved CLI compatibility.

Resolved issues

The following issues have been fixed:

DescriptionADO no.
Diff command fails with "You are not authorized to perform the task you are attempting" error.556905
GraphQL.ExecutionError appears on push operation if there are more versions with no fields (due to exclusion configuration) in YML files than in the DB.521783
The version of controller rendering item is not created when the item is retrieved from .dat file.523249
Diff command fails with "You are not authorized to perform the task you are attempting" error.556905
CLI package sitecore.json does not include excludedFields properly.566614
The fields of items created by JSS deploy item process cannot be modified after syncing them with different Sitecore instance using CLI and changing template and they are cleared after reverting changes.583113,583253
Sitecore roles that are not included in Sitecore Content Serialization package are removed from Sitecore after installing the package even if the removeOrphansForRoles setting is disabled in CLI project.583505,583506

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